Monday, September 19, 2011

What's better than____?

What's better than 300 days left???
 Oh just 299 days left ;) Ya I know its only one day and all but for an MG going from the 300's to the 200's is a big deal! One day closer to Elder Schott being home! 
Goodbye 300's hello 200's be good to me please and have them fly by :)


Jalissa Bell said...

ugh! you are so lucky! haha! i am still in the 600! but in 17 days, i will be in the fives! anyway, how exciting for you! that's such a fun time for you! the last days have flown by for ya, so i'll pray along with ya for the rest!

Unknown said...

You will be hitting the year mark before you know it-just think of how quick christmas comes (thats 3 months away aka 100 days) so ya its gonna fly by :)