Sunday, November 27, 2011

500 days of summer? 11.27.2011

Nope...not 500 days of Summer-however I do like that movie!
you could say its 500 days of winter though ;)
Sunday morning.
November 27, 2011
Marks 500 days of waiting for Elder Schott.
I can't believe its been that long to be honest.
 Yes some days I can't imagine making it to the next or to the end of this to be honest but at times I think its for my own good, if I didn't struggle I wouldn't be made stronger, I wouldn't see what I'm grateful for in life. 
someone once told me "if it wasn't hard it would be easy" the thing about easy things get bored with them too fast, you lose interest sorta speak. When something is not worth fighting for people give up and get over it. I know this journey of waiting is hard...but I also know its because Nate is worth it. 
The sad days, where the tears just don't stop coming
The hand cramps from writing long letters.
The nasty taste from when you lick an envelope (its the worst!)
The lonely moments when all you wish is for a phone call, or even a simple text
The emptiness you feel when your hands are cold or you need comforting
 I'm almost onto my last spire. Time is passing....Each day is a day closer to seeing Elder Schott again. Its odd to think he will actually return one day-I mean 230 days left compared to 730 is nothing but to me the 8 months left he has is a REALLY long time lol. So it still kinda feels like that day next July will never actually come, but for the moment I am okay with being stuck in this time warp phase I'm in lol.
Isn't that such a perrty picture? 29 days to go till I'm in the "100's" :D

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