Friday, November 18, 2011

The words of my heart 11.18.2011

Today I flipped over another page of journal to realize I was on my last page, where on earth did that time go-I started the journal (one on the right) right after I moved out of my dorm this past summer (June 2011) and now 5 months later I have completed it.
When I was little writing in a journal seemed pointless, I figured "NO ONE in the world would ever WANT to read what I'm writing" which at 12 or so years of age that is probably true, who am I kidding its probably true now...they say that your posterity one day will go back and read this (eh I doubt it) but if one of my kids wants to sit down one day to read what my life was like (or lack there of since I don't really have one) then I say go for it. To be honest the motivation to write in my journal is basically Nate (I swear he IS my everything!) I started to write in a journal right after he left (really because I have a bad memory so I wanted to remember what I had done the whole week when I sat down to write him on Sunday night lol) eh so my motivation might be a bit twisted but really all I have to say to that is "welcome to my life" ;p But hey its getting me to write in a journal at least lol.
I never really liked the idea of a journal because you don't really write to anyone-ok sure "your future children" but what if I don't have any lol then who is it going to? So I found it easier (for me) to make it out to Nate, so its kinda like it was before he left how we'd talk each night and tell each other how our day makes it easier for me if I have someone to talk to! Yes I've already thought about the question what I'm going to do when he returns and I don't have to write him each week...well to be honest I have no idea but I do know that writing in a journal has become a habit (I've been doing it for 16 months I sure hope it has know you can make a habit in just 21 days!) So I'm sure I'll keep it up, maybe I'll still write to him in it, maybe I'll switch to once a week-who knows? But as Sis Bushman (wife of Bro Bushman who wrote the book Joseph Smith: Rough Stone Rolling. they spoke to us at a fireside recently it was awesome!) said if you don't write it down it didn't happen! thats kinda my thinking with events, photo or it didn't happen lol more like I like to cherish memories through photos but hey it works :) So to my future reader of my journal whoever you may be I hope you learn something from it-if not its okay because my life is a bit routine and chaotic thanks to the stress of school and work! Well three down now onto my fourth :)

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