Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Goodbye February Hello March! March.1.2011

Why Hello there March....I am glad to see you-shortest month is over for the year..One down on the countdown without Nate and one more to go-I got this ;)
Well March is going to be an awesome month I have a feeling.. why you may be thinking? Let me tell you! Birthdays galore (mom, dad, friends, other family, my half birthday!), Finals week (ya I did put this under the good category-I have a good feeling about my finals!), and with finals comes spring break...and I'm hopping on a plane with my mommie and headed to good old Utah to see my family especially excited to see my nephew and niece-can't wait to see how much they have grown & I get to see my friends..Ya this is going to be a good month! And after all the fun is over so will this month :)

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