Friday, February 17, 2012

Snowshoeing in the Alps 2.4.2012

Ok maybe not the Alps but I did go for an adventure today with my first time snow shoeing in Snoqualmie Pass. (you not washingtonian's try and say that one lol ;p) It was quite the adventure to just try and drive up there:
"Tessa you are going 85...on a 60"-Kendahl
 "my car is made out of plastic"-Tessa...
"I see sunshine" -Allison (yes ladies and gents we do get sun once in a while lol)

Then we got there, laced up our boots, and tied on our snow shoes. Then made the three hour hike up the hill in snow till we reached our location of the beautiful frozen lake. My is the wilderness a wonderful place! The three hour hike was accompanied by:

"Kendahl-are you ok?" (about every five minutes from Tessa asking about my snow shoes that kept getting clogged up with snow lol)
"would you rather this or that?"-Dean and his awesome questions that kept us distracting as we hiked up the hill
"I LOVE NATURE"-our motto that kept us going for the whole six hour journey!

This was an epic adventure that I loved and I must admit I am SOOOO glad that I let Tessa convince me to go :D Again another success with miss Tessa da Hutt :D

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