Thursday, January 19, 2012

Thank you-NOT 1.19.2012

To whoever pulled the fire alarm this morning at 2.A.M.
Thank you....NOT..
Ladies and Gents-just because it says "pull down" doesn't mean to do it whenever you feel like it.
It is for an EMERGENCY!
So this morning after already being asleep and WARM I was forced awake by that annoying noise and flashing light making me go outside to the ice covered ground and staying out there waiting for the fire truck to come and have it turned off. UGH! It was horrible my head was pounding, I was frozen, and I didn't have time to put my contacts in nor do I have my glasses yet (still stuck in the mail) and so I was blind outside. I am sure I was a sight to see lol. GRRR!!! I am so happy that I don't have school today so that I was able to sleep in. And as I sit here writing this the snow is falling from the sky in big flakes. SNOW DAY part 2 is happening right now :) Stay warm everyone!

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