Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Senior Prom part I ~the morning~

The morning of prom was very eventful....my mom and i went out and got me some fake nails (going girlie) around ten. Then we headed out to lunch and then i went back home where i got my mask all put together, I was able to with the help of Shawna make a cute flower for my mask which was later used in my hair. After working slightly on my makeup my mom and I went out to go and get my hair did ( thanks to my Aunt Debbie). Afterwards we came home so I could add on my finishing touches...then wa-la i was all done and awaiting for Nate to arrive.

Mom and Kendahl

-At the nail salon-

The finished product :)

My awesome mask with ring that I borrowed from my "little sister" Jenna

Getting my hair did :P The back view

My mom caught me using mouth wash...but there is the finished product!

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