We Rock our glasses!!!
Who said a sporty girl couldn't be girlie?
Shes puuurrrtttyyy... that's right i said it!!
Thinking is her favorite thing....Sike!!
Attitude is everything!!
So this past Friday night i had my friend Kourtney over to spend the night...and since we are girls we thought that we would do the girlie thing and do our hair!!
Well as you can tell by the photos we had a blast...we also used my camera to make some pretty awesome music videos...but we decided to let the pros keep their job...and we will keep our videos for laughs...!!!
We had a awesome time that night...we had pizza,drinks, and or course you can't forget the CHEETOS!!...YUMMMY!!!
you look killer hot!
Wow....look at the QT in the pink shirt.I bet she is on Santa's nice list!
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