Thursday, September 1, 2011

September.1. 2011

Ahhh August has come and GONE and now my favorite month is here :) I know I said before that July is my favorite month (but that only really applies to Nate lol) because September has always been my favorite. The changing of the air from hot sunny days to crisp afternoons, the sound of school bells going off as you start a fresh new year of school, and well most importantly a special day comes in September.....drum roll please...MY BIRTHDAY :) the 29th happens to be the BEST day of the ENTIRE year *not being biased or anything ;)*

This year is KINDA a big deal though. In exactly 28 days from now I say goodbye to my teenage years. Its kinda hitting me hard to be honest, my teenage years are what I remember most from growing up, ya sure a memory here and there from my childhood but most of my "growing" up occurred during those crucial years. I went from being a girl to a woman, I went from the bottom of the food chain (aka middle school and freshmen) to being the top dog senior to well going all the way back down again  to a freshie at college! But during all those years I learned who I was, what I chose to stand for in life, and what and I wanted out of life. So ya I would say my teenage years were KINDA important lol.

So school...27 days from now I start my sophomore year at college *gasp* did I really just write that?!?!? sounds so odd to write that-I totally remember my freshmen year like it was yesterday. odd. but time has passed and I am now going to be returning to the University of Washington (go huskies) as a second year college kid, I'll be almost 20, and headed my way towards applying for my nursing major.

*heads up this next part is about Nate just in case you are sick of reading about him lol*
So with a start of a new school year I can't HELP but think about this being my last school year without him..when I start school I'll have 10 months left AHHHHH!!! I'm going to focus on my schooling and just watch the months fly by! Then school will be over and BAM one month left-ya I'll be freaking out then lol! But this is my last school year without him, next year he might just be walking along side of me to class, going to institute with me and what I'm probably most excited for is being able to call him and text him WHENEVER I WANT :) But that is a little over 10 months from now so lets rewind and focus on the present month lol.

You got Labor Day this weekend-I'm headed up to Park City to this "little" thing called Swiss Days-super stoked for it! :) Then I got one more week here in good ol' Utah! Then heading back with my mommie to Washington. Then two weeks of lounging I mean packing lol. Then BAM school time, I got my books and I'm getting mentally pumped for this year, its going to be a good one!

Alright enough rambling now (you see what happens when I get going lol) Happy 1st of September to you all, to all those in school I wish you the BESTEST of luck! Listen, ask questions, take notes, and study HARD for those tests :)


Jalissa Bell said...

cheers to september birthdays! (: mines the 20th. i am jealous of you! you are grown almost. i can't wait till i am as old as you.

ps, i think you are a gorgeous girl.

Unknown said...

WOOHOO for September birthdays-we rock :)
Don't worry to much about getting older, you aren't too far away from me :)
Thanks dearest for the compliment I've said it before & I'll say it again you are a beautiful :)